List of Open Source Software which can be built on Fugaku

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Spack will be used to manage open source software packages on Fugaku. Fugaku users can easily use pre-installed packages and built packages based on Spack recipes. The following list shows the results of building/compiling packages for aarch64 according to the Spack recipes. Note that the results in this list do not guarantee that each package will work properly. On the other hand, Fujitsu will provide the following packages compiled with Fujitsu compiler on Fugaku as "external" packages, of which Spack can be aware.
  • OpenJDK 11
  • Ruby 2.6.5 or later
  • Python2 2.7.15
  • Python3 3.6.8
  • Numpy 1.14.3
  • SciPy 1.0.0
  • Eclipse IDE 2019-09 R Packages
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ButterflyPACK is a mathematical software for rapidly solving large-scale
dense linear systems that exhibit off-diagonal rank-deficiency. These
systems arise frequently from boundary element methods, or factorization
phases in finite-difference/finite-element methods. ButterflyPACK relies
on low-rank or butterfly formats under Hierarchical matrix, HODLR or
other hierarchically nested frameworks to compress, factor and solve the
linear system in quasi-linear time. The computationally most intensive
phase, factorization, is accelerated via randomized linear algebras. The
butterfly format, originally inspired by the butterfly data flow in fast
Fourier Transform, is a linear algebra tool well-suited for compressing
matrices arising from high-frequency wave equations or highly
oscillatory integral operators.


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