List of Open Source Software which can be built on Fugaku

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Spack will be used to manage open source software packages on Fugaku. Fugaku users can easily use pre-installed packages and built packages based on Spack recipes. The following list shows the results of building/compiling packages for aarch64 according to the Spack recipes. Note that the results in this list do not guarantee that each package will work properly. On the other hand, Fujitsu will provide the following packages compiled with Fujitsu compiler on Fugaku as "external" packages, of which Spack can be aware.
  • OpenJDK 11
  • Ruby 2.6.5 or later
  • Python2 2.7.15
  • Python3 3.6.8
  • Numpy 1.14.3
  • SciPy 1.0.0
  • Eclipse IDE 2019-09 R Packages
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amdlibm 20201104

Compiler Arm Compiler 20.1.0
Result Dependency Error

Failed Reason

Failed to install dependency package :
>> 7621 9: error: src/isa/avx/gas/exp10.S:unknown token in expression159
7622 :9 cmp %rdx,%rax:
7623 error: invalid operand
7624 mov $0xfff0000000000000,%rdx
7625 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S : ^136 :
7626 5 : src/isa/avx/gas/exp.S error: : unrecognized instruction mnemonic^200
7628 :9 call _exp2_special@PLT:
7629 src/isa/avx/gas/exp10.S :error: 160 :invalid operand 9 : ^
>> 7630 error:
7631 cmp %rdx,%raxunknown token in expression
7633 cmp %rdx,%rax
7634 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S :^ 142
7635 :^12
7636 : error: src/isa/avx/gas/exp10.Sunknown token in expression:
7637 160: movapd %xmm0,%xmm19
7638 : error: invalid operand
7639 cmp %rdx,%rax
7640 ^
7641 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S :^142
>> 7642 :12: error: invalid operand
7643 movapd %xmm0,%xmm1
7644 ^
>> 7645 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S:143:11: error: unknown token in expression
7646 addsd %xmm0,%xmm1
7647 ^
>> 7648 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S:143:11: error: invalid operand
7649 addsd %xmm0,%xmm1
7650 src/isa/avx/gas/exp.S :^
>> 7651 201:5: error: unrecognized instruction mnemonic
7652 je .L__x_is_neg_infsrc/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S
7653 : 144 : 9 : ^
>> 7654 error: invalid token in expression
7655 mov $1, %edi
7656 src/isa/avx/gas/exp10.Ssrc/isa/avx/gas/exp.S: : 161 202: :5 10: : error: error: unrecognized instruction mn
7658 unknown token in expression je .L__x_is_neg_inf
7660 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S pxor %xmm1, %xmm1 #return value in xmm1,input in xmm0 before calling: 144


7670 pxor %xmm1, %xmm1 #return value in xmm1,input in xmm0 before calling
7671 src/isa/avx/gas/exp10.S : 162 : 10 : error: ^invalid operand
7673 pxor %xmm1, %xmm1 #return value in xmm1,input in xmm0 before calling
7674 ^
>> 7675 src/isa/avx/gas/exp.S:204:9: error: invalid token in expression
7676 src/isa/avx/gas/exp10.S: mov $2, %edi #code in edi163
7677 : 9 : scons: *** [build/aocl-release/src/isa/avx/gas/exp10f.o] Error 1
7678 error: invalid token in expression
7679 ^
7680 mov $2, %edi #code in edi
7681 src/isa/avx/gas/exp.S : 204 : 9 : error: ^invalid operand
7683 mov $2, %edi #code in edisrc/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S
>> 7684 src/isa/avx/gas/exp10.S: :145 163::5 9: : error: error: unrecognized instruction mnemonicinvalid operand
7686 call _exp2_special@PLT^ mov $2, %edi #code in edi
7689 ^
7690 ^
>> 7691 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S:150:10: error: unknown token in expression
7692 movq %xmm0,%rax
7693 ^
>> 7694 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S:150:10: error: invalid operand
7695 movq %xmm0,%rax
7696 ^
>> 7697 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S:151:9: error: invalid token in expression
7698 mov $0xfff0000000000000,%rdx
7699 ^
>> 7700 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S:151:9: error: invalid operand
7701 mov $0xfff0000000000000,%rdx
7702 src/isa/avx/gas/exp.S : ^205
7703 :5: src/isa/avx/gas/exp10.Serror: :src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S164::152unrecognized instruction mnemonic:5
>> 7704 9: : call _exp_special@@PLTerror: error:
7705 unrecognized instruction mnemonicunknown token in expression
7707 cmp %rdx,%rax call _exp10_special@PLT
7709 ^
7710 ^


7717 ^
7718 pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
7719 ^
7720 src/isa/avx/gas/exp10.S :^167
7721 :10: src/isa/avx/gas/exp.Serror: :208invalid operand:
7722 10: pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
>> 7723 error: invalid operand
7724 pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
7725 ^
7726 ^
>> 7727 src/isa/avx/gas/exp10.S:172:23: error: src/isa/avx/gas/exp.Sunexpected token in argument list:
7728 213: movsd .L__real_one(%rip),%xmm023
7729 : error: src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S unexpected token in argument list:
7730 153 : movsd .L__real_one(%rip),%xmm05
7731 : error: unrecognized instruction mnemonic
7732 je .L__x_is_neg_inf
7733 ^
7734 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S^ :
7735 154 : 10 : error: unknown token in expression
7736 ^
7737 pxor %xmm1, %xmm1 #return value in xmm1,input in xmm0 before calling
7738 ^
>> 7739 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S:154:10: error: invalid operandsrc/isa/avx/gas/exp10.S
7740 : pxor %xmm1, %xmm1 #return value in xmm1,input in xmm0 before calling205
7741 :51 : error: unexpected token in '.quad' directive
7742 ^.L__real_64_by_log10of2: .quad 0x406A934F0979A371 # 64/log10(2)
>> 7744 src/isa/avx/gas/exp.S : src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S254 :: 155 47: : 9 : error: error: unexpected token i
n '.quad' directiveinvalid token in expression
7746 mov $2, %edi #code in edi
7747 .L__real_64_by_log2: .quad 0x40571547652b82fe # 64/ln(2)
7748 ^
7749 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S : 155 : 9 : error: invalid operand
7750 mov $2, %edi #code in edi
7751 ^
7752 ^
7753 ^
>> 7754 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S:156:5: error: unrecognized instruction mnemonic
7755 call _exp2_special@PLT
7756 ^
>> 7757 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S:159:10: error: unknown token in expression
7758 pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
7759 ^
>> 7760 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S:159:10: error: invalid operand
7761 pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
7762 ^
>> 7763 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S:164:23: error: unexpected token in argument list
7764 movsd .L__real_one(%rip),%xmm0
7765 ^
>> 7766 src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.S:196:39: error: unexpected token in '.quad' directive
7767 .L__real_64: .quad 0x4050000000000000 # 64
7768 ^
7769 scons: *** [build/aocl-release/src/isa/avx/gas/exp10.o] Error 1
7770 scons: *** [build/aocl-release/src/isa/avx/gas/exp.o] Error 1
7771 scons: *** [build/aocl-release/src/isa/avx/gas/exp2.o] Error 1
7772 scons: building terminated because of errors.

See build log for details:

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